Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (2025)

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Right light therapy is no new concept, and it actually works. But is this wearable session worth it?

Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (1)Omnilux

Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (2)Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (3)

By Evan Malachosky and Hayley Helms



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Collectively, we’ll do just about anything for a better complexion: apply expensive creams and serums, get botox, experiment with beef tallow and so on and so forth. Brands know this, and, as such, are cranking out high-end products targeted toward the dedicated, perfect-skin-obsessed subset searching for a skincare silver bullet, if you will.

Is the Omnilux LED Mask it? It’s hard to say, especially since you’ll need to clock at least four weeks of constant use to see even the slightest results. But there is evidence that red light therapy works to treat myriad issues, from acne and wrinkles to lessening scar tissue and aiding in muscle recovery.

To see whether the $400 mask was worth it, two staffers put two models to the test.

Products in the Guide

  • Omnilux Men

    Read more
  • Omnilux Contour Face

    Read more

Omnilux LED Mask: What We Think

Folks who are already head-first into an extensive skincare routine will value the high-tech capabilities of the Omnilux LED mask, but those who’ve otherwise avoided expensive creams, serums and even oils won’t notice a huge difference with this product unless they commit to constant — and we mean constant — use.

We felt it was easy to integrate into even a short routine — it only takes 10 minutes, and you can wear it while you do other things — but it wasn’t as fast-acting as many made it out to be. Sure, we felt it bettered our skin — definitely didn’t make it worse — but the near-$400 price tag is quite the pill to swallow for questionable results.

Omnilux Men

Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (4)Courtesy

Omnilux Men

  • $395.00 at


  • Comfortable on, which makes it easy to wear while doing other things
  • Bigger design is meant to fit larger faces
  • Higher intensity for thicker male skin


  • Light reflects off your under eyes, creating a kind of blinding sensation
  • Not the easiest to store given its shape — and your need to keep the skin-side clean

Omnilux Contour Face

Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (5)Courtesy

Omnilux Contour Face

  • $395.00 at


  • Easy to incorporate into your daily routine


  • Results are not nearly immediate as one might imagine
  • Easy to forget to charge

Omnilux LED Mask: Testing Notes

The Ominlux was easy to integrate into my daily routine.

Once it’s fully charged, the Omnilux is portable — I liked to put mine on, tuck the rechargeable battery controller into my pocket and either do a quick chore, a meditation or catch up on email. The mask is silicone and upon first touch may not seem like the most comfortable material to strap to your face for 10 minutes at a time, but it really is comfortable. There are some beauty rituals that I don’t look forward to doing but putting the Omnilux on every other day is not one of them.

Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (6)Hayley Helms

It’s slightly warming, plenty relaxing, but also pretty bright, and there were times I was unsure I had it on right. Sometimes, I felt the light was shining too directly into my eyes — or simply reflecting off my under-eyes and into my literal eye line. That took some adjusting to avoid, but otherwise, I felt nothing in this thing, which is a good sign.

LED red light addresses a multitude of skin issues.

Red light therapy is a process that employs red light at varying wavelengths to trigger cellular regeneration. The energy from light-emitting devices — like this one — energizes tired cells, triggering self-repair. In terms of skincare, this can help eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and redness, soothe irritation, lessen dark circles and de-puff under-eye bags.

Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (7)Evan Malachosky
Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (8)Evan Malachosky

The Men’s version is stronger.

The primary difference between the Omnilux Men and the Omnilux Contour Face is the intensity of the LED light. It emits at three wavelengths: red 633nm, near-infrared 830nm, and near-infrared 1072nm. The Omnilux Contour Face emits at two wavelengths: red 633nm and near-infrared 830nm. Because men have thicker skin — it’s true, not just some sexist joke — they can handle the 1072nm near-infrared light. It helps penetrate deeper, offering the same results women see with the lesser device.

I didn’t see results as quickly as I’d hoped.

The Contour Face is enjoyable to use, and I’ll admit I initially had higher hopes than maybe were realistic — I was hoping the mask, over time, would essentially erase my fine lines (and not-so-fine lines) but that wasn’t the result I got. My skin felt tauter and I certainly thought it had more luminosity to it, but my fine lines are still around 6 weeks later. I’m going to up my treatments and continue the habit, but if you’re hoping for an overnight miracle, you may not get what you’re after.

  • Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (9)

    What Is Red Light Therapy?

  • Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (10)

    Brighten Up Your Recovery with the Best Red Light Therapy Devices

  • Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (11)

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Does the $400 Omnilux LED Mask Actually Work? We Found Out | Gear Patrol (2025)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 6153

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.